Paul Bowles

Paul Bowles Qisas alamiyya mukhtara

Qisas alamiyya mukhtara

(The Wind at Beni Midar)

Paul Bowles

Übersetzung: Sargon Boulos

Al-Kamel Verlag
Sprache: Arabisch
1. Auflage (2018)
Paperback, 172 Seiten
ISBN 9789933353971
Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar
11.90 € 


Paul Bowles wa akharun. Paul Bowles, The Eye, By the Water, The Story of Lahcen and Idir, The Garden, A Thousand Days for Mukhtar, The Waters of Izli, A Distant Episode. Luigi Pirandello, The Cat, a Goldfish and the Stars, Liam O‘Flaherty, The Fight, Alberto Moravia, The Clown